John Mark was born in a small barrio in Bulacan. Although frail and small due to lack of proper care and nutrition, he is smart and was a normal restless boy constantly running and jumping around like boys usually do. He comes from a marginalized family whose main source of income was to offer their labor in the seasonal planting period in the rice fields in the province. Off season sometimes means no income.
Lost his father when he was still a toddler, John Mark was raised by a single parent along with 4 other siblings, the mom literally cannot make both ends meet financially.
John Mark had an accident while helping out in the fields at the tender age of 7 wherein he fell and broke his elbow. Instead of going to the hospital and seeking medical attention, his mom brought him to a village pseudo-healer albularyo or Quack doctor.
Unfortunately, they did not have enough means nor the acuity to seek medical treatment when he had the accident. This albularyo placed wooden twigs in John Mark’s arm from the elbow bent into an L-Shape and wrapped it in cloth. In the years hence, this resulted in making his elbow/bones calcified in an unmovable L-shaped position. This senseless and irresponsible act is reprehensible to say the least and caused this damage to John Mark from which he is still suffering from.
For the last suffering seven years in John Mark’s life, he has still not seen medical help nor from an orthopaedic doctor due the oft-repeated answer that has become to his family a self-fulfilling reality: poverty.
Spotted Assist Indigent Barangay indigent children with medical care and needs Campaign.
Goal Amount:
PhP 100,000.00 / in USD $ 1,785.00
Raised Amount:
PhP 10,000.00 / in USD $ 178.50
Most of the times we are the only chance these children have. It is now time to do something about it and help them.
You’ve been spotted! Help is on the way!